Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Body of Art Challenge 5 The Feet

Feet, movement, inspiration? Sure, why not. The 5th week took us down to the lowest point on a bodies focusing on how they let us move through our lives. The required element was arrows to show all the movement going on.

Moving to the Paint

Journaling; One of the thrills of buying your first house is getting to paint the walls whatever color you want. I spent the weeks between our offer being accepted and the closing picking the colors of our walls. With the help of my mom and step-dad we painted Victor’s bed room, the dining room and kitchen. At the end of a long day of painting Victor just had to get in on the action and moved right into the paint leaving his mark on the walls.
January 17, 2004

The Body of Art Challenge 4 The Heart

With challenge 4 we got to the heart of the matter and got to look at love. Of course we were encouraged to look at love from a non-traditional view point. The required element was stitching. My family had just spent part of day out at a botanical garden in our community that most people in the area are not even aware of and spent a wonderful time together. I used one of the pictures I had taken of the rose garden in my layout.

Journaling: A beautiful day - $0
A hidden garden - $0
Time spent with family - $0
Taking time out from a busy day to enjoy them –PRICELESS
Credits: Captivated Visions/Serienty. Fonts: Bleeding Cowboy, Angelina, Centaur.

Body of Art Challenge 3 The Mouth

For week 3 we got a little 'mouthy' and had to use our words to tell the story. Our required element was to use at least three different fonts on the page. I had a blast getting all of the bits of journaling to fit on the page the way I wanted it to.

Busy Little Wolf

Journaling: Victor’s Wolf year is coming to a close this month. It is really hard to believe that we have been cub scouting for only two years. Yet he has accomplished so much. This year along with achieving his wolf rank he has completed the requirements for the Out Door Activity Award, the Leave No Trace Award, the World Conservation Award, four of the ribbons for the Centennial Patch (Outdoor, Character, Service, and Achievement), and 110 electives. He has gained a greater since of self and what it means to be a scout and to help others. I am so proud of all he has accomplished and looking forward to seeing what the year of the Bear will hold in store for Victor. May 2010 Credits: Kristmess/Bees Knees, Scrappers Online/BOA Mouth Template. Fonts: Lithos Pro, Amanda's Cute, Impact Label Rev, Tahoma.

Body of Art Challenge 2 The Brain

From the hands we moved to the brain. Such a fun part of the body to focus on. Because there are to hemispheres or sides that make up our brains the basic topic was to show two sides of your subject. Our required element this week was to use the rule of thirds to create our layouts. I really had fun with this when I came across some photos I had taken of my son when he went from letting me take pictures to saying no more and back in a matter of seconds.


Journaling: Victor is getting to the age where taking his photo gets more and more difficult. His tolerance for the camera can switch from ONE second to the next. Of course Mommy takes the picture any way.
Credits: Kate's Digital Designs/Tranquility. Fonts: Complete In Him, Brady Bunch.

Body of Art Challenge 1 The Hands

There is nothing like exploring the body through scrapping, to start off we focused on the hands. The challenge was to create a page about touch. How we interpreted that this was up to us. We were also required to use word art. I scraped a page about how my husband and I touch the lives of the children in our Sunday school class.

Tools 2 Succeed

Touching the lives of others through Christ is one of the highlights of my week. Helping children to find and touch God is a challenge that I truly look forward to each week my husband and I teach Sunday School.
Journaling: Our lesson for the day focused on how with help we are able to understand God’s word. As the kids came in to the room they were handed a card that had an item on it that they had to find. After 5 minutes none of them had identified what they were looking for. We called them to the table and handed them the key for the coded words allowing the children to find the items and bring them back to the table. April 18, 2010
Credits: DID May 2010 Collab Kit See How They Grow, Body of Art Challenge 1 Template from Scrappers Online. Faunts: Bradley Hand ITC, Do I Like Stripes?, Angelic War, Magic School One.